HYH Writing Support
Taking your idea from your head to a completed manuscript is a journey. Sometimes you may want help getting started. Shawndra Holmberg can ignite your motivation and clarify your writing path. Sometimes you may be stuck and want to move forward but you're not sure how to do it, Shawndra will be there to guide you with writing tools, resources, and just that added spark to get you writing again. Sometimes you just need someone else who believes in your dream and provides the support and guidance to turn your book idea into reality. Shawndra is passionate about helping you see the brilliance she's looking at in you. Stop struggling and start writing!
HYH Initial Writing Support
Initial Session: Clarify your goal, identify tools to use, discuss additional resources to use, and establish your action steps to turn your dream into reality. Ignite the spark in you. ($75)
Writer''s WRITING group: It's for encouragement and accountability. Success is defined by your butt in the seat and fingers on the keys, not by the number of words or the quality of the content. Yes, you can work on whatever you want: a book, newsletter, blog, article, your holiday letter. ($0)
Keep the embers stoked. Subscribe and get your weekly encouragement.
HYH On-going Writing Support
After the initial session, you can get additional support to keep moving forward, guidance to take that next step into editing or publishing, or get encouragement that your dream is possible. You can choose to schedule support whenever you need it, or create a schedule on a weekly or monthly basis. Fan the flames, to keep your burning desire to write alive. (prices vary by package)
Contact Shawndra to schedule your Writing Support session